Beautiful October weather

Published on by Tamsin Rouche

We had been planning to go to St. André since the last time we were there two weeks ago. The weather on Friday was so awful that we decided not to go in all the rain and on Saturday morning we were so cosy in bed that we almost didn't go but Agnès seemed to be very keen to go and so a little later than usual we set off. We arrived in Macon just before midday and decided to go to Decathlon so we could have lunch at the Ponte Loco. There is always so much we could buy in there but in the end I came a way with a swimsuit which is atually all I really needed. The weather was absolutely beautiful and warm so we were glad we had made the effort to come. We had lunch at the Ponte Loco, Jules and Agnès had pizza and I had my favourite assiette d'antipasti. Then we carried on to the house.

Beautiful October weatherBeautiful October weather

Pulling up to then house we saw lots of other cars in the church car park and people standing around. Later a hearse arrived so obviously it was a funeral. Not sure who but there were many pompiers in uniform and a standard. We went into the house put on the heating and got a fire started. Then after the crowd had disbursed we went off to SuperU. First we pulled up and went for a walk enjoying the late afternoon sunshine. It was really warm and we enjoyed making shadow shapes.

Beautiful October weatherBeautiful October weather
Beautiful October weatherBeautiful October weather

We went back to then house and the adults sat reading by the cosy fire whilst Agnès played upstairs. After dinner Jules went round the corner to the salle rurale as there was a cinema evening. In many of the villages the cinema comes to the village hall once a month. It is a great way for the locals who may not be very mobile to enjoy recent films. Jules said he was the youngest person there by quite a number of years!

Sunday dawn very misty amd you could see the water in the air. We enjoyed breakfast from the bakers before packing up. We had to leave earlyish as we were going to Papy's birthday get together. In fact the journey from St. André to Etoy took about 2h45 with two places when we were slowed down due to road works. Hopefully we will be back for the fête de St. Martin which we have never actually been to before.

Beautiful October weatherBeautiful October weather
Beautiful October weather
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